Measuring pH Level

Human activities emit pollutants into the water that affect the pH level and harm aquatic life.

Experiment Preparations

Prepare the following equipment:

  • Futureboard Lite

  • pH measuring device

  • 3 color connecting cable


Connect the pH measuring device to futureboard lite.

Select Program

Open 「pH酸鹼值.py」.

Begin Measurements

First, put the device into the pH 4.0 buffer solution and wait 2 minutes, then press button A to calibrate.

Then wash and wipe the device completely and put the device into the pH9.18 buffer solution. Wait 2 minutes then press button B to calibrate.

After calibration, futureboard lite will display the measured pH value.


  1. 感應器頭部帶有保護蓋,使用前請小心扭下保護瓶,然後將瓶蓋拆下來。

  2. 請勿弄污、弄花感應器的頭部。

  3. 請小心不要倒瀉保護瓶的液體。

  4. 每次使用後都需要使用蒸餾水清潔感應器。

  5. 使用過後請將保護瓶裝回,不要將感應器暴露在空氣中。

  6. 這種感應器並不是即時有反應,請耐心等待1分鐘。

  7. 使用上強酸/強鹼時,請加以小心並佩戴護目鏡。

Last updated