pH Meter Programming Tutorial

Programming Tutorial

MakeCode Programming Tutorial

Search Robotbit in extensions. (Robotbit is verified by Microsoft)

Importing Extensions Tutorial

Blocks for pH Meter:

MakeCode Sample Program

Sample Program

pH Meter Instructions.

  1. Submerge the sensor into PH4.0 solution, wait for 1 minute.

  2. Press A to calibrate for PH4.0.

  3. Clean the sensor with distilled water and wipe dry.

  4. Submerge the sensor into PH9.18 solution, wait for 1 minute.

  5. Press B to calibrate for PH9.18.

  6. Clean the sensor with distilled water and wipe dry.

  7. Submerge the sensor into the target liquidm wait for 1 minute.

  8. Press A+B to show the measured pH value.

pH Meter Demo Video

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